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The Importance of Business Mentoring for CEO - Yes! They Need It Too

When I had just begun my career, I used to wonder how wonderful it would be at the top. However, most dreamers take a while to realise that it is rather lonely there. For managers, especially for CEOs, the journey on from this very position can be the most challenging ordeals of their lives. And, that is when the need for business mentoring for CEOs arrives. 

Business Coaching for Executives

More than a year ago, when I was browsing through one of the issues of Harvard Business Review that interested me, something that echoed my views struck me. It talked of the promotion of David Nish from the CFO to the CEO of Standard Life, and his consequent turning to Niall FitzGerald, a former chairman of Unilever for mentorship. This is what most of the successful CEOs actually resort to. 

The Fact of the Matter

The stark fact of the matter is that no matter what position a manager is at; even at the high position of a Chief Executive Officer, an effective executive mentoring program is always pivotal. The article from the April 2015 issue of HBR that I was talking about, revealed that most of the CEOs, and not only the one from Standard Life, turn to mentoring from more experienced position holders, not only from their own but from other companies as well. 

What Makes Business Mentoring for Executives Such a Dire Need?

It may not be quite conspicuous to the people who work under a manager, but the latter’s roles are too many and too hard. The most prominent among them, and the most difficult one to play, for that matter, is dealing with the Board of Investors. A CEO is the most vital link between this body (a body that doesn’t ever seem to be in the favour of the workers) and the actual workforce. Believe it or not; this pressure is immense. Effective coaching for CEOs may help a lot here since its aim is to make them skilled enough to balance things. 

Leader Motivating His Team

And, do not forget that managers are humans too. The biggest atrocity that they may face is dehumanisation. In such a case, personal life definitely suffers. Thankfully, if you happen to find a seasoned mentor, this aspect will not be left untouched. In fact, If you opt for an executive mentoring and coaching program, the approach is likely to be quite holistic, and one that helps you strike the perfect life/work balance. 

The bottomline is that everybody does eventually figure out things on their own, be it any walk of life. But, what a mentor can make you do, is unfathomable. 

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